To add your name or organization to the list of signatories, please submit this form.

We, Korean people living in the United States, stand with the people of Palestine. Since 1948, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their ancestral lands, the Palestinian people have resisted colonization, apartheid, and genocide. Over the last few weeks alone, the Israeli occupation has slaughtered over 8,000 Palestinians, including thousands of young children. Despite a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire, Israel has refused to stand down.

Our hearts break for Palestine. As Koreans, we cannot help but look at Palestine’s history and see reflections of our own. We know what occupation means because we lived it under Japanese colonialism. And we remember that our own freedom fighters — Koreans who gave their lives fighting for independence and liberation — were also once called terrorists.

Like Palestine, Korea’s history is one of war, occupation, and division. The Korean War was the first “proxy war” of the Cold War. Nearly 5 million Koreans were killed, entire cities were turned to ashes, and our country was divided in two. The Korean War shows us that a ceasefire does not end an occupation. Despite the ceasefire in 1953, our homeland remains divided and at war today. The ceasefire did not end the war — it only gave it new life. Therefore, as Koreans, we know that we need more than just an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We need an end to the Zionist occupation of Palestine, once and for all.

We denounce the ongoing genocide in Palestine and extend our love and solidarity to the Palestinian people. And we put forward the following demands to the governments of the United States:

  • Support an immediate ceasefire to put a stop to the killing, so that the people of Gaza can focus on rescuing the living and mourning the dead.
  • Immediately cut all foreign aid to Israel, which currently amounts to more than $3 billion a year from the US.
  • Lift the 16-year siege of Gaza and allow crucially needed medicine, food, fuel, water, power, and other supplies to reach people before it’s too late.

We call on the Korean community in the US to speak out and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. Bring this statement to your churches, your schools, your workplaces, and your families and friends. And join us in Washington DC on Saturday, November 4 for the National March on Washington to Free Palestine.

In South Korea, the Yoon administration has abstained from UN votes calling for a ceasefire. Corporations like Hyundai have done business in Israel for years and profited from the oppression of the Palestinian people. And the US sells weapons to Israel that are made by South Korean defense companies. We reject South Korea’s allegiance to Israel. We speak out as one people to join the international chorus demanding Palestinian liberation. We will not allow Israel to kill Palestinians in the dark. 팔레스타인 해방을 위하여!

In solidarity,

The Korean community in the US

To add your name or organization to the list of signatories, please submit the form below (or at this link).

성명서: 팔레스타인을 지지하는 미국 한인들

(서명자 명단에 이름이나 단체를 추가하려면 아래 양식(또는 이 링크)을 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.)

미국에 사는 한인인 저희는 팔레스타인을 적극 지지합니다. 1948년, 750,000명의 팔레스타인인들은 자신들의 땅에서 강제로 추방되었고, 그때부터 지금까지 팔레스타인인은 제국주의, 아파르타이드, 그리고 대량학살에 대한 저항을 멈추지 않았습니다. 지난 몇 주 동안에만 이스라엘은 8,000명이 넘는 팔레스타인인을 학살했고, 그중에는 수천이 넘는 어린아이도 포함되어 있었습니다. 휴전을 요구하는 유엔 결의안에도 불구하고, 이스라엘은 폭력을 멈추지 않고 있습니다. 

팔레스타인을 보며 저희는 한국의 역사를 연상할 수 밖에 없습니다. 일제 강점기를 겪은 민족으로서 점령이 무엇인지 똑똑히 알고, 목숨을 받쳐 해방을 위해 일본에 저항한 우리의 독립운동가들도 한때 테러리스트라고 불렸다는걸 기억합니다. 

팔레스타인과 마찬가지로 우리의 역사도 전쟁, 점령, 그리고 분단의 역사입니다. 한국전쟁은 냉전의 첫 대리전쟁이었습니다. 500만명에 가까운 한국인이 죽었고, 도시들은 잿더미로 남겨졌고, 한반도는 둘로 갈라졌습니다. 한국전쟁이 보여주었듯이 휴전은 결코 점령을 끝내지 않습니다. 1953년의 한국전쟁 휴전에도 불구하고, 한국은 오늘날 아직도 분단되어 있고, 전쟁 중입니다. 휴전은 전쟁을 끝내기는커녕 전쟁에 새로운 생명을 가져다 줄 뿐입니다. 그러므로, 한국인으로서, 저희는 이스라엘의 즉각적인 휴전만이 답이라고 생각하지 않고, 휴전을 넘어 시온주의자들의 팔레스타인 점령을 영원히 끝내야 한다고 믿습니다. 

저희는 팔레스타인인들을 대량학살하고 있는 이스라엘을 규탄하고 팔레스타인에게 저희의 사랑과 연대를 표하며, 미국 정부에 다음과 같은 사항을 촉구합니다: 

  • 가자지구 사람들이 산 자들을 구하고 죽은 자들을 애도하는데 집중할 수 있도록 즉각적인 휴전을 지지할 것
  • 현재 미국이 이스라엘에게 제공하고 있는 연간 30억 달러가 넘는 해외 원조를 즉각 중단할 것
  • 16년간 이어온 가자지구 봉쇄를 해제하고 더 늦기 전에 가자지구에 중대하게 필요한 의약품, 식량, 연료, 물, 전력 및 기타 공급품이 도달할 수 있도록 할 것

저희는 미국 한인사회가 팔레스타인 투쟁에 목소리를 내고 연대할 것을 촉구합니다. 이 성명서를 교회, 학교, 일자리, 가족, 그리고 친구들에게 널리 알려 주시길 바랍니다. 11월 4일(토) 오후 2시 워싱턴 디씨에서 팔레스타인을 지지하고 연대하는 대규모 집회, 행진이 진행됩니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 행사 안내 

윤석열 정부는 휴전을 요구하는 유엔의 투표에 기권했습니다. 현대와 같은 기업들은 수년간 이스라엘에서 사업을 했고 팔레스타인 국민들의 탄압으로부터 이익을 얻었습니다. 그리고 미국은 한국의 방산업체들이 만든 무기를 이스라엘에 판매하고 있습니다. 저희는 이스라엘에 대한 한국의 충성을 거부하고, 팔레스타인의 해방을 요구하는 국제사회의 합창단에 동참할 것입니다. 저희는 이스라엘이 어둠 속에서 팔레스타인 사람들을 죽이는 것을 용납하지 않을 것입니다. 팔레스타인 해방을 위하여!


미국 한인사회 

(서명자 명단에 이름이나 단체를 추가하려면 아래 양식(또는 이 링크)을 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.)


  1. 6.15 Committee for Reunification of Korea – DC
  2. 6.15 Committee for Reunification of Korea – NY
  3. 6.15 Committee for Reunification of Korea – LA
  4. Asian Women United of California
  5. Center for Korean Affairs
  6. China-US Solidarity Network
  7. Coalition of Koreans in America
  8. Decolonizing Korean Studies Collective
  9. Eastern Mayday NJ
  10. Eclipse Rising
  11. Hansoom
  12. Keep Beyond
  13. Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network – Washington DC Chapter
  14. Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network – Pacific Northwest Chapter
  15. Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network – New York / New Jersey Chapter
  16. Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network – Philadelphia Chapter
  17. Korea Policy Institute
  18. Korean American National Coordinating Council
  19. Korean Americans for the Progressive Party of Korea
  20. Koreans 4 Decolonization
  21. Koreans for Woori Schools
  22. Nanum Corean Cultural Center
  23. New England Korea Peace Campaign
  24. Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
  25. Ohlay
  26. Our Iyagi
  27. PAGEMA
  28. Peace 21 (내일을 여는 사람들)
  29. People’s City Council – Los Angeles
  30. Reunification of Korea
  31. Street Smart Nutrition
  32. Support Committee for Korean Prisoners of Conscience in US
  33. UAW 2865 – Irvine
  34. Washington Butterfly for Hope
  35. Yeondae: Collective of Asian Adoptees
  36. 미주희망연대
  37. 미주양심수후원회 및 재미노동자투쟁연대Korean American Artist Collective


  1. Don Mee Choi, poet
  2. Christine Hong, Korea Policy Institute
  3. Duk Jin Hong, National Association of Korean Americans
  4. Shinji Moon, Hansoom
  5. Pua’ena Ahn, Hui Aloha ‘Āina
  6. John H. Lee, Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network
  7. Hyejin Shim, Korean American Coalition to End Domestic Abuse, ieumsae
  8. Juyeon Rhee, Korean Americans for the Progressive Party
  9. Yiyoram, Sangnooksoo
  10. Nicola Kim, Syracuse University
  11. Cathi Choi, Women Cross DMZ, Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network
  12. Kathleen Richards, Women Cross DMZ, Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network
  13. Kit Lee, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
  14. Yong Lee, Koreans for Woorischools
  15. Seoyoung Park, 아는언니합창단
  16. Helen Kim, Korea Peace Now!
  17. Seung Hee Jeon, New England Korea Peace Campaign
  18. Jahyeon Kwon, CUNY Graduate Center
  19. Byul Yoon, Dissenters
  20. Mimi Kim, KACEDA
  21. Jo Rhee, Cal-Nev Philippine Solidarity Task Force, Korean Community Center of East Bay, San Leandro, CA
  22. Pauline Park, New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA)
  23. Annabelle Kang, CPC-ML Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
  24. Monica Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  25. Jackie Kim, Sam Cha Bay Area
  26. Tae Kyu, Stanford Asian American Action Committee
  27. Jamie Chang, MIT
  28. Sunyoung Yang, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
  29. Kelly Choi, Korea Peace Now NY/NJ
  30. Sky Na, PUSO Southbay
  31. Ryan Lee Wong, Writer
  32. Sunmi, Author
  33. Julie Lee, Carnegie Mellon alum and Pittsburgh-Alabama artist
  34. Dierdre Cook, Asian American Justice and Innovation Lab (AAJIL), Critical Resistance
  35. Iris Yi Youn Kim, Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network
  36. Alexander Park Adam, Studio Flot
  37. Sasami Ashworth
  38. Hyunhee Shin, Mirror Memoirs
  39. Yoonhee (Yuni) Chang, Dissenters
  40. Sheen Kim, Democratic Socialists of America – International Committee, Korea Peace Now!
  41. Iksoo Han, Korean Americans for the Progressive Party of Korea (KAPP)
  42. Munjo Yu, NC/SC 진실희망연대
  43. Moon Jang, Heinz Sa Dahn (Young Korean Academy) NY
  44. Yoojin Lee, Peace21LA
  45. Dahn Bi Lee-Hong, Korean Queer and Trans National Network – PNW Group
  46. Tina Park, Partnership on AI
  47. Alison Choi, Northwestern University
  48. Yuran Park, Koreans 4 Decolonization
  49. Bennett Shin Lacerte, Brown University
  50. Sarah Lee, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  51. Nahmi Jones, Korea Peace Now
  52. Yong Lee, Koreans for Woorischools
  53. Shin Hwa Jung, Korean American National Coordinating Council
  54. Patricia Fish 손랑이, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  55. Cody Choi, SuperCoze/So Dreamy Fest
  56. Alex Kwanho Choi, Korean Americans for the Progressive Party of Korea (KAPP)
  57. Stella Lee, Pennsylvania State University
  58. Young Sun Han, Korea Peace Now NY/NJ
  59. Jae Soo Lee, Coalition of Koreans in America (CKA)
  60. Christine Ahn Women Cross DMZ, Korea Peace Now!
  61. Carol Li, Korea Peace Now
  62. Jessica Lee, Katarungan DC
  63. Jonathan J Kim, KAPAC
  64. Yong Ha, KANCC
  65. Hyeseung Yoo
  66. Haeri Lee, GYOPO
  67. Keumjoo Lee, The Boston Candlelight Action
  68. William 지호 Willis, Survived & Punished NY
  69. Vero Chai, Rutgers University
  70. Mili Yoon, Northwestern Law
  71. Jun Ho Yoon, New York University
  72. Hanbyul Jenny Kang, New York University
  73. Siobahn Sung, KQTx
  74. Gyver Tc, KPNGN
  75. Dave Young Kim, KAAC
  76. Tony Cho, Korea Peace Now!
  77. Peter Kim, Support Committee for Korean Prisoners of Conscience in US
  78. Hannah Pae, GYOPO
  79. Jaz Solana, KQTxNY
  80. Soyeong Park, Pacific College of Health and Science
  81. Heejoo Kim, Princeton University
  82. Morgan Owen 배기숙, Association of Korean Adoptees San Diego
  83. Kevin Kang, Tujunga United Methodist Church
  84. Jiwon Kim, Duke University
  85. Samantha Bloom, Brown University
  86. Keumjoo Lee, New England Korea Peace Campaign
  87. Antoinee Jones, Santa Monica College
  88. Abigail Jinju Lee University of Oregon
  89. Haruki Eda, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
  90. Steph Rue, Korean American Artist Collective
  91. Eun Bi Kim, MPH, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  92. Mirue Kang, Brandeis SJP
  93. Zavi Kang Engles, Apogee Journal
  94. Jeeho Cha, Nodutdol
  95. Hahna Cho, Nodutdol
  96. Heidi Choi, Nodutdol
  97. Eujean Doo, Nodutdol
  98. Yena Jang, Nodutdol
  99. Erica Jung, Nodutdol
  100. Yeji Jung, Nodutdol
  101. Jeongyi Kim, Nodutdol
  102. Hannah Lee Scherr, Nodutdol
  103. Juhyun Park, Nodutdol
  104. Riley Seungyoon Park, Nodutdol
  105. Hyo-won Nakashio, Nodutdol
  106. Simon Ma, Nodutdol
  107. Betsy, Nodutdol
  108. Minju Bae, Nodutdol
  109. Yungsu Kim, Nodutdol
  110. Nolan Castellano, Nodutdol
  111. Jia Hong, Nodutdol
  112. Alex, Nodutdol
  113. Nino Lee, Nodutdol
  114. Rosa Kwak, Nodutdol
  115. Piece Whang, Nodutdol
  116. Giboom Park
  117. Hayden Smith
  118. Janice Rothstein
  119. Russ Lee
  120. Phillip Lim
  121. Jackie Park
  122. Elli Kim
  123. Jeong Kim
  124. Tina Park
  125. June Kim
  126. Nahyun Kim
  127. TJ Shin
  128. Michelle Lee
  129. Meredyth Yoon
  130. Yerin Fink
  131. Hea-Mi Kim
  132. Hyunjae Shin
  133. Esther hwang
  134. Chad Park
  135. Suah Oh
  136. Erin Min
  137. Tai Kim
  138. Jane Kim
  139. Dongkyu Kim
  140. Ki Woong Park
  141. Luke Kim
  142. Toby Hyun
  143. ann haeyoung
  144. Dana
  145. Eliette Choi
  146. Daisy Hyon-Jee Sim
  147. Roy Yum
  148. Hayoung Song
  149. Ed Vierra
  150. Nico Choi
  151. Jacquelyn Kim
  152. Rachel Kim
  153. Christina Jung Lee
  154. Ariel Cho
  155. Youngjoo Shim
  156. Yuree Jang
  157. Kate Shim
  158. Yerin Kwak
  159. Eunji Kwak
  160. Minji Kwak
  161. Sonya Chung
  162. Daniel Sung In Kim
  163. wonhee yun
  164. Rose M. Kim, PhD
  165. Christine Hong
  166. Yoon Grace Ra
  167. Katie Chun
  168. Phoebe Kim
  169. K. Saeyang
  170. Yaeun Choi
  171. Youngeun Na
  172. Deborah Ghim
  173. Yeojin ‘ Gene’ Yoo
  174. Chieun Kim
  175. Chris Choi
  176. Helen Lee
  177. Sanghyuk Shin
  178. Anna Cho-Son
  179. Elise 민정 Lee
  180. Kyunghee Eo
  181. J Suk
  182. Eunjung Kim
  183. Merose Hwang
  184. Amy Kahng
  185. Eugene Choi
  186. Sarah Yejin Hahm
  187. Hyunsook Cho
  188. Grace Kim
  189. Audrey Kim
  190. Rebecca Kang
  191. Sabrina Kim
  192. Phoebe Kim
  193. Hanna Kim
  194. Jiyu Park
  195. Jean Cherhee Cho
  196. Leah Hong
  197. Jessica Hong
  198. Robert Chung
  199. Bora Yoon
  200. Caroline Kim
  201. Heejae Chang
  202. Melissa Ponder
  203. Leslie Hong
  204. Caylee Song Larios
  205. Tae Yeon Kim
  206. Elizabeth Pak
  207. Luke shin
  208. Choi Hee Young
  209. Natalie Song Scoggins
  210. suea cho
  211. Alice Chun
  212. Emeizmi Mandagi
  213. Grace Yumi Kang
  214. Sung Kim
  215. Joseph Kim
  216. Cecelia Lim
  217. Ji Hae Park
  218. Grace Wong
  219. Jessica Kim
  220. Sydnee 진달래 Gee
  221. Sara Spriggs
  222. Seungwon Lee
  223. Seungyeon Lee
  224. Sunhee Volz
  225. Tia Kuisle
  226. Ren Lee
  227. Madeleine Min
  228. Estelle Yim
  229. Yoona Bang
  230. NaYeon Kim
  231. Deb Kwon
  232. Su-jin Kim-Holmes
  233. Esther Kim
  234. Evelyn Bea
  235. Sydney Lee
  236. Sunny Young
  237. Eric Kinm
  238. Jamie Lee
  239. Eunsoo Jeong
  240. Shinae Lee / 이신애
  241. Seayoung Yim
  242. Anna 진솔 Lee
  243. Lynn “Jeong” Stransky
  244. jae sun woo
  245. nicholas
  246. Hannah Kadin
  247. Caleb L. Carman
  248. Joseph Han
  249. O Soo Vegh
  250. Erin Kong
  251. Hannah Kang
  252. Lily Song
  253. Alice Nari Kanzler
  254. Laura Firebaugh
  255. Rose
  256. Sumin Hwang
  257. Jr Reyes
  258. Blue Park
  259. Kay Park
  260. christy
  261. Michelle Hyun Kim
  262. Jiae Kroencke
  263. Ashley Hong
  264. Clint Choi
  265. Heaven Lee Kim
  266. Clint Choi
  267. Kwon Seoeun
  268. Stuart Ahn
  269. Gene Pak (Lucy Liyou)
  270. Esther Hong
  271. Jacqueline Kim
  272. Ann Olson
  273. Paul Kim
  274. Jeannie Kim
  275. Kat Sewon Oh
  276. Jeemin Shim
  277. Emma Cooper
  278. Jin Park
  279. Jess Chin
  280. Monica Kim
  281. PAUL LIEM
  282. Jae Yeun Choi
  283. David Choi
  284. Heidi Kang
  285. Deborah Choi
  286. Yoona Lee
  287. Candace Chewning
  288. Suh Koller
  289. HyoYoung Kim
  290. Crystal Kim
  291. Sarah Lee
  292. Gil Kim
  293. Ji Hye Choi
  294. Sharon Han
  295. lauren ahn
  296. Sam Park
  297. Justina Wu
  298. Sara So
  299. Collin J
  300. Suyi Kim
  301. John Choe
  302. CS Park
  303. Nicole Kim
  304. cat
  305. Jane Scully
  306. Jeanhee Kim
  307. Danny Park
  308. Sam Kim
  309. Theo Moon
  310. Caroline Kwon
  311. Lydia Park
  312. Marie Choi
  313. Michele Lim
  314. Hyunsoo Kim
  315. Mihye Kang
  316. Hannah Shin
  317. Franziska Lee
  318. Tay Jeong
  319. Jayy Covert
  320. Martin Kim
  321. Jay Kim
  322. Alice D. Song
  323. Esme Lee
  324. Jaeeun Jun
  325. Ruth Park
  326. Diana Choi
  327. Lauren Barnes
  328. Dennise Moon
  329. Victoria Cho
  330. AJ Kim
  331. Sophia Baik
  332. Rev. Tong-Kyun Kim
  333. Michael Kim
  334. Yewon Son
  335. Hyon Mi Chang
  336. Yerim Choi
  337. Paulin Kim
  338. Jinah Kim
  339. Jacob Clapham
  340. Abby Hanul Kwon
  341. Marianne Tassone
  342. Sae Yeon Kim
  343. Jennie Jung
  344. Sooyun Choi
  345. Susan Kang
  346. Chae(lee) Dalton
  347. Hana Lee
  348. Caroline Koo
  349. Hyunjee Nicole Kim
  350. Jessica Lipton
  351. Irene Honghee Cho
  352. Daeun Jeong
  353. Gina Lee
  354. William Oh
  355. Alan Kim
  356. G
  357. Sarah Kim
  358. Sejin Ahn
  359. Da In Choi
  360. Stevie Marvin
  361. Irving Lee
  362. Yun-Hee Proffit
  363. Stankus Marvin
  364. Tara Kim
  365. Hosu Kim
  366. Yooree Losordo
  367. Doo Kang
  368. Dan Hong
  369. Seola Lee
  370. Hwayoung Shin
  371. Katherine Argot
  372. Clara Lee
  373. Arie Kim
  374. Ariel Lee
  375. Summer Kim Lee
  376. Nayoung Kim
  377. Stacy Suh
  378. Minkyung Kim
  379. Euginia Paik
  380. 박영윤
  381. June Hong
  382. Spencer Olen Ward
  383. Lolly Lim
  384. Pearl Park
  385. Kt Yun
  386. Mee Na Kim
  387. Esther Choi
  388. Rachel Jinsun Kim
  389. Bo
  390. Olivia Kridle
  391. Ashley Honda
  392. Cristiana Baik
  393. Nare Park
  394. Masil Magee
  395. Sola Shin
  396. Casey Tokeshi
  397. John Joo
  398. Grace Kim
  399. Olivia Park
  400. Andy Jung
  401. Christine Lee
  402. Ji Hyun
  403. Clara Choi
  404. Hyelim Sim
  405. Francis Sim
  406. Joice Kim
  407. Jiheun Cho
  408. Youna Lee
  409. Frances Woo
  410. Joice Kim
  411. Amy Yoon
  412. Florence Pak
  413. Eileen Ahn
  414. Tasha Lee Essen
  415. Celeste Yim
  416. Ha-Yoon Lee
  417. Michelle Cho
  418. Percy Banks
  419. Hannah Kim
  420. Nina Baek
  421. Kyu Lee
  422. Haing B. Kim
  423. Jimi Hong
  424. Miyoung Cho
  425. Tre Kwon
  426. Nakita VanBiene
  427. Madeleine Han
  428. Jumi Jung
  429. Stella Kang
  430. Michelle Cho
  431. Patrick Chung
  432. Caroline Kyungah Hong
  433. Julian A. Garcia
  434. Caleb Skytte
  435. Sally Sujin Oh
  436. Saera Hur
  437. Emily Ahn Levy
  438. Lauren Kang
  439. Lewis Oh
  440. Nicholas Liem
  441. Jessica Yu
  442. Ali Lim
  443. Yumi Lee
  444. Juan Camilo
  445. Ali Lim
  446. Caroline Cheung
  447. Jemin Na
  448. Hyewon Mia Lee
  449. Michelle Cho
  450. Christine Cho
  451. Sol Rhee
  452. Yooju Choi
  453. Bitna
  454. Rita Gehrenbeck-Shim
  455. Jungmin Lee
  456. Beka Yang
  457. Alice Hanna Min
  458. Katelyn Lipton
  459. Leena Cho
  460. Seo Yun
  461. Y. Park
  462. Meghan McClain
  463. Na Youngji
  464. Hana Kim
  465. Minhee Bae
  466. Kimi
  467. Jinsook Kim
  468. Parker L. Jackson
  469. Daniel Hahn
  470. Dong Joo Cho
  471. Jane Shin
  472. Jean Park
  473. Jason Joo
  474. Derek
  475. InChul Kim
  476. Julie Lee
  477. Lana Cho
  478. Sandy Hong
  479. Dalhe Kim
  480. Soya Jung
  481. Linda 효정 Choi
  482. Krystal Olufson
  483. Kathy Kim
  484. Lauren Chiang
  485. Alec Chung Lacerte
  486. Eunjin Kwak 곽은진
  487. Linda Chung
  488. Soonyoung Park
  489. Daniel Moon
  490. Eileen Lee
  491. Liz Suk
  492. Jane Kim
  493. Dae Yun
  494. Hayong Lau
  495. Elizabeth Kim
  496. Sarah Oh
  497. Jessica Kwen
  498. Ashley Soyoung Lee
  499. Winnona Yi
  500. Jane H
  501. Miso Jeong
  502. Helen Hwayeon Kim
  503. Yura Mendoza
  504. Coira Lee
  505. Nic Rider
  506. Ramsay Liem
  507. Madelyn Kwon
  508. Heejoo Ko
  509. Kimberly Luong
  510. Kendra Valkema
  511. Gloria Lee
  512. Abigail Eunyoung Lee
  513. enmi yang
  514. Shirley Lim
  515. Kristina Hwang
  516. Nemu Hyun-Joo
  517. Caroline Lee
  518. Jessica Kim
  519. Jee-Hee Haar (Hah)
  520. Jane Kim
  521. Jan
  522. Mijin Yoo
  523. 이승주 Lee Seungju
  524. Nhoua Xiong
  525. Suh Hee Jun
  526. Claire Chang
  527. Tiffany HyeonBrooks
  528. Dongho Moon
  529. Jae Won Kim
  530. Jill Murdock
  531. Amy W
  532. Abigail Lee
  533. Eunice Kwon
  534. chris yi suh
  535. Madeleine Jost
  536. Rian
  537. Lauren Mihae Han
  538. Sylvia Kim
  539. Jeong Yeon Lee
  540. Justin Macchia
  541. Minwoo Jung
  542. Kerry Andresen
  543. Jennifer Lim
  544. Tarah Stangler
  545. Hanna Cho
  546. Bomi
  547. Eunice Jeon
  548. Matthew Kim
  549. Andrew Park
  550. Amy Choi
  551. Bailey Anderson
  552. Choon Lee
  553. Hayne Kim
  554. Choon Lee
  555. zooey kim conner
  556. Mi K Park
  557. HK Suh
  558. Hannah Chung
  559. Janie Ginocchio
  560. Michelle Lee
  561. Gina Meyers-Im 임진아
  562. Harrow Sansom Choi
  563. Ashley Chang
  564. Adrian Han
  565. Soomin Kim
  566. Erica Oh
  567. Jay Haar
  568. Tonya Yim Bryant
  569. Tonya Yim Bryant
  570. Young Jung
  571. So Kyung Choi
  572. Alyssa Murguia
  573. Eunyoung byun
  574. Dongho Moon
  575. James K.
  576. Joanne Han
  577. Theresa Jo
  578. Allis Woo
  579. Yong Lee
  580. Hemi
  581. Hong S.
  582. goo lee
  583. Joy Messinger
  584. Sebin Jeon
  585. Alison Kim
  586. Kristen Kim
  587. Dongho Moon
  588. Heejin Kim
  589. Chris Kang
  590. Aeri swendson
  591. So Yun Um
  592. Haeun Park
  593. diane paik
  594. Alex Paik
  595. Nathan Kim, MD
  596. Yuna Park
  597. Joyce Yang
  598. jiyoon song
  599. Stella Lee
  600. Sarah Bae
  601. Juyeon Shin
  602. Kristine Chong
  603. Deborah Kim
  604. 송미현
  605. 이종아 (Sam Lee)
  606. Soo Lee
  607. Annabelle Lee
  608. Kaela Han
  609. Kyu-Hui Lee
  610. Miriam Yoo
  611. eunice kim
  612. Jennifer Chun
  613. Alison Zarider
  614. Jane Kim
  615. Ewa Sobka
  616. Bibi
  617. Jessica Kim
  618. Joo-Hyun Kang
  619. Audrey Y Jang
  620. Anthony Yooshin Kim
  621. Matthew Blesse
  622. Stephen Han
  623. Sunny Hill
  624. Claire Yoo
  625. Sofia Park
  626. Joyce Hwang
  627. Morgan Becker
  628. Hanna Shin
  629. Mirai
  630. Illahe Choi
  631. Joseph Thomas Sungjin Jankowski
  632. Nellie Sung
  633. p hardy
  634. Minky Kim
  635. Chae Chun
  636. Jiyoung Ahn
  637. Meang Jang
  638. Esther Lee
  639. Joy
  640. Gary Pak
  641. Eddie Abreu
  642. Yieun Kim
  643. Jade Ariana Olivo
  644. Rachel Ye
  645. MG
  646. Daniel Yuk
  647. Rechelle Baasansukh
  648. Grace Jeon
  649. Phebe Palmer
  650. Alison Hwang
  651. Samantha Lee
  652. Jeannie Juon
  653. Yoonji Kwon
  654. Rachel Kwak 곽지호
  655. Heejoo Kim
  656. YB
  657. John Y. Kim
  658. Andrew Cha
  659. Jungwon Kim
  660. Jinee Kim Rebouh 김진이
  661. Deann Borshay Liem, Documentary Filmmaker
  662. Yumi Pak
  663. Stephanie Kim, PhD
  664. Leesa Ko
  665. Frankie Jung
  666. Sungeun Park
  667. phoenix ra
  668. Jade Olivo
  669. Ezra Rivera-Lopez
  670. Harim Park
  671. Diana Lee
  672. Amy Hong
  673. Sandra Kim
  674. I. Mi-Yun Sohn
  675. Jiyoun Kim
  676. Anna
  677. Elizabeth Song
  678. Suhyun Choi
  679. Joanne Lee
  680. Grace Ko
  681. Ramy Kim
  682. Julia Kim
  683. LEE Seungyeon
  684. Min A Kim
  685. Young Mi Peak
  686. Sung Sok Pak
  687. Sun Yung Shin
  688. Su Hwang
  689. Sue Park
  690. Haru Chang
  691. Hye-Kyong Kim
  692. Jennifer Kim
  693. Erica Yi
  694. oli lee andersson
  695. Shin Kyung Ja
  696. Heather Kim
  697. Yunjeong Jang
  698. Ellie Koo
  699. Tate Benson
  700. Hye-Jung Park
  701. Jong K Hwang
  702. Myung Ji Cho
  703. Julia Lee
  704. Sunjae Lee
  705. J.H.
  706. Lauren Shin
  707. Ha Kyung Oh
  708. Rachel Dumke
  709. Eric Kim
  710. Seung Heon Sheen
  711. Emilee Pelletier
  712. Zoe Sua Cho
  713. Ji y kim
  714. Jeemin Shim
  715. Whitney Kim
  716. Janet Hwang
  717. Alexis Kim
  718. Esther Kang
  719. Claire Choi
  720. Jaein Jo
  721. Janice Eunyoung Choe
  722. Kate Jae Sun Sim
  723. ye park
  724. Sulkiro Song 송슬기로
  725. Naree Kae
  726. Jaye Cho
  727. Keun-woo Lee
  728. Gina Kim
  729. Molly Benitez
  730. Yong Ha
  731. Jennifer Choe
  732. Steve Kim
  733. Bright Limm 임대중
  734. Michelle Boulos
  735. Ashley Park
  736. Mona Malone
  737. Kathryn Lee 이슬이
  738. Hannah Kwak
  739. Seo Eun Kim
  740. Sooin Choi
  741. Chloe Yang
  742. Stella Kim
  743. Hannah Yang
  744. Nina Lee
  745. Chris Baud
  746. Sonn-Joo Lee
  747. Ji Soo Kim
  748. Che Sehyun
  749. thad higa
  750. Se Young Au
  751. chan mee park
  752. Leo Chang
  753. Majid H Rebouh
  754. Steph Rue
  755. Joseph Kang
  756. Charles Ryu
  757. Joyhanna Yoo
  758. Brian Han
  759. Chang Kim
  760. Meg Kim
  761. Irine Kim 김이린
  762. 박 경희
  763. Joyce Jang
  764. Abby Choi
  765. Lo
  766. Audrey Park
  767. Jong K Hong
  768. Jungrea Chung
  769. Katie Hewitt
  770. Joan Lee
  771. Sarah Jung Sook Buhler
  772. Yana Velasquez
  773. Nora Bryne
  774. Chance Halter
  775. Irang Nami
  776. Sierra Lee
  777. Grace
  778. Jenny Park
  779. Jeemin Shim
  780. HeeJin Kim
  781. Yongsoo Kim
  782. Hui Chong In
  783. Nicole Han
  784. Yun
  785. Paige Kim
  786. Joseph Choe
  787. Schuyler Swenson
  788. Sung E Bai
  789. Jean Kyoung Frazier
  790. Hannah Choi
  791. Kara Park
  792. Suk ja kang
  793. Chloe 미아 Halvorson
  794. Soo Young Lee
  795. Joon hwang
  796. Christine Oh
  797. Alex Hyun-ju Prewitt
  798. Selah Shine
  799. Jennifer
  800. Kathy Baik
  801. Hana Yoon
  802. sarah khadraoui
  803. Minjoo Kim
  804. Agnes Han
  805. Jasmynn Chong Roman
  806. Elma Kim
  807. Ishle Yi Park
  808. Janice Cheong
  809. Min Jung
  810. Hannah Lee
  811. Haery Na
  812. Selena Knecht
  813. Martin Jung
  814. Dave Young Kim
  815. Sarah Mostafa
  816. Mia Kang
  817. Ju Byul
  818. Ahran Lee
  819. Sue Kim
  820. Choi Isul
  821. Min Jung
  822. Kristopher Choe
  823. Bok Cha Oh
  824. Danny Park
  825. Anthony Kim Rispoli
  826. Angela Cooper
  827. Ji-hyun Seo
  828. Agnes
  829. tae min suh
  830. Kristopher Choe
  831. Kingsley Song
  832. James Kim
  833. Nahae Kim
  834. Christine Cho
  835. Jiwon Son
  836. Jessica
  837. Jennifer Kang
  838. Devin Blaskovich
  839. Yewon Kim
  840. Ashley oh
  841. Seri Hwang
  842. Susie Kwon
  843. Young Kwon
  844. Park Gisoon
  845. H. Yu
  846. Jamie Kim
  847. Esther Lee
  848. daniel so
  849. Alice Chang
  850. Madeleine Han
  851. Euan Hwang
  852. KC Kim
  853. YOUNG LEE
  854. Stacey Lee
  855. Ethan Choi
  856. Solby Lim
  857. Kayla Kim
  858. Eunae Yim
  859. Heather Kim
  860. laetitia guzman
  861. Kasey K
  862. Alexander Beymer
  863. Adhy Kim
  864. Danielle Oh
  865. Chris Choi
  866. Cameron Hong
  867. Rene Morrison
  868. Jason Rhee
  869. Hannah Seo
  870. Susann Shin
  871. Eric Kim
  872. Kaitlyn Eri Lee
  873. Nancy Ko
  874. Dresden Lackey
  875. Jules Suo
  876. Mysha Inez Lee Ross
  877. Elizabeth Hana Rubio
  878. Millie May
  879. Jin Choi
  880. Aromee Kim
  881. Sunyoung Lie
  882. Annette Kim
  883. Janice Yi
  884. Sabrina Juhae Sung
  885. Sarah Jane Rhee
  886. Fred Lee
  887. Joon Ae Haworth-Kaufka
  888. Jodi Kim
  889. Erin Young
  890. Austin Willis
  891. Justine Kim
  892. Minha Yoon
  893. Sarang Park
  894. Yana Velasquez
  895. Myong Lee
  896. Jae Jo
  897. David Suh
  898. Sumera subzwari
  899. Rev. g
  900. Shana Kim
  901. Charlotte Yun
  902. Sarah Rhee
  903. Christopher Yongha Won
  904. Jenny Lee
  905. Jasmin Eddy
  906. Irang Yang
  907. Somy Kim
  908. Mirae Melvin
  909. 박현후
  910. Audrey Koh
  911. Hyunhee Kim
  912. Katie Kim
  913. 박달턴
  914. eunsun whang
  915. Carol Cho
  916. Crystal Kang Ahn
  917. Serapia Kim
  918. Hani Kang
  919. Juuls Lee
  920. Dayeon Jeong
  921. Alison Young Eun Cho
  922. Ji Yoon Kim
  923. Kimberly Fong
  924. Ella Ko
  925. Yoona
  926. Justin Kim
  927. Andrew Young Choi
  928. Sandra Lane
  929. Helen Cho
  930. Yoongi Tom
  931. Nari
  932. Danie Sung
  933. Elizabeth Park
  934. Seb Choe
  935. Hyo Lee
  936. Jueun