Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
150 people rally at the South Korean Consulate and march to Koreatown

Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
In front of the South Korean Consulate
역사를 잊은 민족들에게 미래가 없다 / “The people who forget their history have no future”
Photos by Jonathan Bloom @jbloom94

Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
A protestor holds a “Down with Martial Law” sign in front the South Korean Consulate
Photos by Jonathan Bloom @jbloom94

Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
Rally at the South Korean Consulate
Photos by Jonathan Bloom @jbloom94

Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
Close-up photos of signs
Photos by Jonathan Bloom @jbloom94

Yoon Must Resign Rally in New York, NY
March ends in Koreatown
Photos by Jonathan Bloom @jbloom94

Yoon Must Resign Rally in San Francisco, CA
A crowd of over 120 gathers in front of the San Francisco Federal Building

Yoon Must Resign Rally in Los Angeles, CA
A crowd of over 115 gathers in front of the South Korean Consulate in LA