Daycare facility for workers at a textile factory in north Korea. Taken during the 2013 delegation trip organized by Nodutdol.
Help us resume our delegation trips to north Korea! Please add your organization’s name to the open letter and/or fill out a postcard by filling out this form.
The US and south Korea have recently signed an agreement where the US will deploy nuclear assets to south Korea and involve south Korea in its nuclear planning. The Biden and Yoon administrations continue to push for an even deeper military alliance that would further obligate south Korea to commit to backing US interests globally. As the US pushes the peninsula closer to active military offensives, it is critical that we consolidate our grassroots power and create the conditions for peace & reunification in Korea and counter US aggression and military expansion in the Asia-Pacific.
Imposed in 2017 and renewed in August each year, the travel ban makes it illegal for US passport holders to enter north Korea, thereby blocking us from conducting our delegation trips to north Korea. This severely impedes our peace and reunification work, and continues the separation of families divided by imperialist borders. Korea is One! Overseas Koreans should be able to visit ALL of our homeland.
The letter and postcard are grassroots organizing tools, directed at Secretary Blinken and President Biden to create public pressure and underscore the fact that they could easily lift the travel ban this August and should do so. Ending the travel ban is a concrete step, necessary for resuming our in-person relationship building and revolutionary organizational work with our kin and comrades in the north.
Organizations: Please sign on to our open letter to President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken!
Individuals: Please sign a postcard that we are delivering to the State Department along with the Open Letter!
Add your organization’s name to the open letter and/or fill out a postcard by filling out this form.
Open Letter (for organizational sign-ons)
Postcards to be delivered to the State Department (for individual sign-ons)