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Wednesday, May 12
7:30 to 9:00pm
The Brecht Forum
451 West Street
(between Bank and Bethune Streets)
In January 2010, North Korea made an unprecedented gesture by stating that it will permanently dismantle its nuclear defense program in exchange for a formal peace treaty with the United States to end the Korean War. In response, at an April 6, 2010 Pentagon press conference, Defense Secretary Robert Gates threatened North Korea with the possibility of nuclear attack. “All options are on the table in terms of how we deal with you,” he warned.
As 189 nations gather at the United Nations from May 3-28 for the Review Conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it’s time to set the record straight about who’s really breaking the rules when it comes to the NPT.
Join us for a panel discussion on “North Korea’s Bomb and the Road to Peace” to explore reasons for why North Korea walked away from the NPT, what has been the history of U.S. policies towards North Korea and what led to the current tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. A reception will follow.
· Joseph Gerson – American Friends Service Committee; and author of Empire and the Bomb: How the United Sates Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World;
· Ko Young-dae – Solidarity for Peace and Reunification in Korea (SPARK), a national organization in South Korea that works towards peace, disarmament, and reunification of the Korean peninsula and;
· Representative from the National Campaign to End the Korean War – a national coalition of scholars, veterans, and grassroots organizations that have come together to call on the U.S. government to sign a Peace Treaty and establish diplomatic relations with North Korea
tel – 718.335.0419
email – nodutdol@nodutdol.org
twitter – nodutdol