Click Here to Enroll and Make an Online Tuition Payment.
우리 같이 한국어를 배웁시다! Let’s all learn Korean together!
Nodutdol takes an informal approach that emphasizes the language and vocabulary of daily life. In an effort to bridge barriers created by generation and language in our community, Nodutdol offers both beginning and / or intermediate classes in Korean language. Nodutdol considers learning and practicing the Korean language as an important part of shaping and asserting our identity as Koreans in an English-dominant society. People who do not identify as Korean are equally welcome to join us, learn with us, and share their perspectives and experiences. The level of each class offered each term may vary depending on the number of student enrollment and requests.
9/21/10 to 11/31/10 (10 weeks)
Tuesdays or Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
No experience in Korean Language required. Learning from Korean alphabet (han’gul), this class introduces students to the fundamentals of Korean language such as basic grammar, the vocabulary for basic conversation, reading, and writing. Students will practice simple communication skills such as greeting,numbers, ordering food, and asking basic questions.
9/21/10 to 11/31/10 (10 weeks)
Tuesday or Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
REQUIRED: Students with about 7-8 months (for Intermediate I) and 1+ years (for Intermediate II) of prior Korean language instruction.
Intermediate levels requires knowledge of basic Korean including understanding of irregular verbs, the past and future tenses, honorifics, and proper speech forms and corresponding level of Korean proficiency to conduct basic social activities. This course explores additional irregular verbs, conjunctions, and speech styles, along with various cultural contexts. Students will be able to expand their vocabulary, conversational skills, and written communication. Students will be encouraged to write and discuss given topics.
Classes are held in Mid-Manhattan. Each class will be small (a maximum of 10 students) and focus on developing conversational Korean language skills in an informal atmosphere.
Non-Nodutdol Members: $300 (per 10-week session)
Nodutdol Members: $225
Students and Low Income Inviduals: $225
Click Here to Enroll Online and Make a Tuition Payment.
*Note, please state “tuition” and specify the amount of payment in the additional comments box.
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact us at nodutdolkoreanclass@yahoogroups.com or 718-335-0419.