Nodutdol spent the past several weeks organizing activities around the United Nations Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. We also hosted our Seoul-based sister organization, Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) who traveled from south Korea to participate in the UN conference. Our joint involvement in the intergovernmental conference resulted in strong visibility and awareness of building a sustainable peace on the Korean peninsula. Below are a few media clippings of our work from this month.
Online Coverage
The Huffington Post published an op-ed authored by Nodutdol Co-Director Andy Marra. You can read her piece about peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula here.
Radio Coverage
WBAI 99.5 FM Radio invited Nodutdol into their studios to discuss the question of North Korea’s nuclear defense program and its relationship to the expanding U.S. military presence in south Korea and the larger Northeast Asia region. Two news programs interviewed Nodutdol members on this increasingly visible issue.
April 30 – Wakeup Call | Interview begins at 50:22
Click here to listen to the Wakeup Call interview.
May 4 – Asia Pacific Forum | Interview begins at 22:40
Click here to listen to the Asia Pacific Forum interview.