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So far ndd has created 232 blog entries.

STOP THAAD: Koreans Struggle for Peace


Stop THAAD: Koreans Struggle for Peace WHEN: Thursday, April 13, 2017, 6:30-9:30 PM WHERE: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center (KJCC) 53 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 [...]

STOP THAAD: Koreans Struggle for Peace2018-06-17T18:55:51-04:00

Statement of Unity by Korean Americans and Allies


역사적인 남북정상회담과 다가올 북미정상회담에 관한 재미동포 및 미국인 벗들의 성명 남과 북의 정상들이 진행한 역사적인 4월 27일 판문점회담 이후 한반도에서는 장구한 긴장과 전쟁위협이 누그러지고 평화와 화해의 전도가 펼쳐지고 있습니다. 곧 [...]

Statement of Unity by Korean Americans and Allies2019-10-17T20:06:10-04:00

PEACE NOT WAR IN ASIA and the Pacific!


A unity statement initiated by BAYAN-USA and Nodutdol for Korean Community Development For over seven decades, U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM), the largest and oldest of the nine U.S. unified [...]

PEACE NOT WAR IN ASIA and the Pacific!2019-10-17T20:08:43-04:00
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