Over the past two weeks, israel has unleashed a wave of barbaric and terroristic attacks against the Lebanese people. From remotely detonating pagers to carpet-bombing Beirut, israel has martyred more than 1,800 people, maimed thousands more, and displaced over a million people. Now, israel has further escalated by invading the sovereign territory of Lebanon with the full support of US imperialism. Nodutdol condemns the zionist invasion of Lebanon in the strongest terms, and opposes the imperialists’ continued escalations towards a regional war. 

We demand the US government immediately and permanently cease all forms of aid to israel and impose an arms embargo. We reject and condemn any form of military aggression by the US or its zionist proxy against Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, or the Islamic Republic of Iran. We hold the US government responsible for israel’s crimes, including the ongoing genocide in Gaza, as it continues to provide arms, funds, intelligence, and political cover to the zionist entity. We are not fooled by the Biden-Harris administration’s pathetic attempts to portray itself as a helpless bystander, and we urge the people of the US and the world to not be so easily deceived.

We extend our fullest solidarity to the peoples of Lebanon, Palestine, and the entire region in their righteous struggle to defend their sovereignty from the zionist occupation and its patron, US imperialism. Korean people know the brutality of colonization and imperialist war, and we understand that liberation can only be achieved through resistance. We affirm the Lebanese, Palestinian, and Iranian people’s right to self-defense against the constant barrage of US-israeli aggression which has plagued the region for decades.

We reject any attempts to describe the Palestinian resistance and the forces of the Axis of Resistance as “terrorist organizations.” As anti-imperialist Koreans, we know that all Koreans who struggle against imperialism are branded as terrorists by Japan, the US, and South Korea. While the US insists that states like Cuba, the DPRK, and Iran are “State Sponsors of Terror,” it refuses to brand israel with a similar label. This is because the State Sponsors of Terror List is simply a tool to punish any independent state that dares to oppose US imperialism. We will not allow the true terrorists of this world, the US ruling class and its zionist proxy to dictate who our enemies and friends may be.

As we look upon the US-israeli destruction of Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, and the West Bank, we see familiar scenes reminiscent of the horrors the US military has unleashed against the Korean people since 1945. We are a people who have known the devastation of 2000-pound US bombs. We have seen our hospitals, schools, agriculture, apartments, and refugees deliberately targeted as a strategy of imperialist war. We have seen our siblings in the north cut off from the world and starved by US sanctions. And still, our determination for liberation endures, and our resistance has not been broken. This is the basis of our solidarity.

From the depths of our hearts, we extend our fullest support to the heroic peoples of the Arab Region, and we urge all Korean people to join the international struggle against zionism and US imperialism.

Free Palestine! Hands off Lebanon! Hands off Yemen! Hands off Iran!