Our work is only possible through the broad support of community members, friends, and allies. Nodutdol is incorporated under New York State law as a nonprofit corporation and is a 501(c)3 federal tax-exempt charitable organization. All donations to Nodutdol are tax-exempt.

To Mail a Donation by Check

Please make your check out to “Nodutdol” and mail to the address below. We also ask that you provide your name, address, telephone, and email address, as well as a note saying your donation came though this website. Thank you for your support!

Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
P.O. Box 20924
New York, NY 10025

Nodutdol has been the recipient of grants by the following organizations:

Peace Development Fund
Channing & Popai Liem Education Foundation
Funding Exchange-Donor Advised fund
New York Foundation
North Star Fund
Sparkplug Foundation
Union Square Awards
A.J. Muste Memorial Institute