Nodutdol Statement: What does a Trump presidency mean for Korea?
Relations between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the [...]
Nodutdol Statement: Oppose the US-israeli Regional War
Over the past two weeks, israel has unleashed a [...]
Nodutdol Statement: Koreans Against Police Violence
Last week in New York City, the NYPD [...]
Hundreds Rally Against August US-ROK Military Exercises in Korea
Ahead of the massive US-ROK Ulchi Freedom Shield [...]
노듯돌 /no-dut-dol/:
- stepping stone
- home, opening, entryway
- bridging
- love and longing in separation
- reunification.
We are diasporic Koreans and comrades based in occupied Indigenous lands known as the United States and Canada. We organize for a world free of imperialism, and for Korea’s re/unification and national liberation.
Email for press or media requests. For other inquiries, email us at